About Nancy  


Preferred language­ – Python. I’m most comfortable with the command line, Git, Selenium, REST and Bash/Shell.

Past language experience includes PHP, UnitTest, PyTest, Jenkins, Google G Suite, AWS.

I once was in love with Java, but Python has since stolen my heart!

I’ve always loved text processing, so I’ve spent a lot of time with grep and sed, and cleaning data for importing into databases.

Favorite OS: Linux/Centos/Redhat.  Why?  It’s clean and professionally up to just about anything.  Whenever using Ubuntu, I find myself endlessly removing things.  I finally settled on Lubuntu for teaching Linux- a scaled down lightweight Ubuntu. At home I have an old Mac for this and that, a Windows 7 box for my workday, a Centos Server for fun, and some other assorted toys.

Experienced with Oracle DBs, SQL, MySQL, Cassandra, OpenShift, low-level tracing and Java code coverage.

Long ago I did lots of Perl, PL/SQL, RE/sed, Basic, Pascal, Dbase 2 & 3, Foxbase, DOS, CPM, C, Brio, SAS and C++.

Here’s an article I wrote about the Java Converter while at Sun Microsystems:

Using the Java Plug-in Converter

and I co-wrote an article on how to make Java work on a webpage while at Sun Microsystems:

Make Your Browser Swing

I’ve had an interesting career here in the Bay Area and in Los Angeles.

Please see my  LinkedIn profile for more details.